Wednesday, December 14, 2016

1. The RAM is semiconductor memory in which data writing and reading is possible. When the computer is turned off, the stored data is lost. This property is called volatility. Since most main storage units are composed of RAMs, the processor can be made to read and write information from the main storage unit at random by specifying the address.
          Шуурхай санах ой нь өгөгдлийг унших болон бичих боломжтой хагас дамжуулагч санах ой юм. Компьютер унтарсан үед хадгалагдсан өгөгдөл алга болдог. Энэ шинж чанарыг хувирамтгай байдал гэж нэрлэгддэг. Ихэнх үндсэн шуурхай санах ойгоос бүтсэн байдаг, процессор үндсэн хуримтлалын дурын тодорхой хаяг дээр мэдээлэл уншуулах эсвэл бичүүлэх боломжтой.
2.Due to the progress of IC technology, and the consequent substantial improvement of the performance of processors, the operating speed of the DRAMs that composed the storage unit could not keep up with the operating speed of the processors. For that reason, an external clock signal that indicates the processor operation timing is now set in the DRAM and through synchronization with this signal, complicated address specifications are reduced and simplified, enabling the development of DRAMs that operate at high speeds. These types of DRAMs are called synchronous DRAMs (SDRAM).
Холбоо мэдээллийн технологийн хөгжлөөс хамаарч процессоруудын үзүүлэлтийн бодитой   дэвшлийг динамик санамсаргүй хандалттай санах ой -ын хурд гүйцэхээ больжээ. Ийм шалтгаанаар процессор ажиллаж буй хугацааг заадаг цаг нь динамик санамсаргүй хандалттай санах ой -д бэлэн гэдэгийг зааж байгаа ба сигналын синхрончлолын тусламжтайгаар хаягийн үзүүлэлтүүд нь буурч хялбарчлагддаг, энэ нь динамик санамсаргүй хандалттай санах ой -ийг өндөр хурдтай ажиллуулах дэвшилтийг нээж өгдөг. Динамик санамсаргүй хандалттай санах ой -ийн энэ төрлүүд нь синхрончлогдсон динамик санамсаргүй хандалттай санах ой гэж нэрлэгдсэн.
3.Hub is one of the basic icons of networking devices which works at physical layer and hence connect networking devices physically together. Hubs are fundamentally used in networks that use twisted pair cabling to connect devices. They are designed to transmit the packets to the other appended devices without altering any of the transmitted packets received. They act as pathways to direct electrical signals to travel along. They transmit the information regardless of the fact if data packet is destined for the device connected or not.

HUB бол физик түвшинд ажилладаг үндсэн сүлжээний төхөөрөмж иймээс сүлжээний төхөөрөмжүүдийг физикээр  холбодог . HUB- г сүлжээний үндсэн төхөөрөмжүүдийг мушгарсан хос кабелиар холбоход хэрэглэнэ. Тэдгээр нь дамжуулсан пакетыг хүлээн авч ямар ч хуваарилалтыг өөрчлөхгүйгээр бусад нэмсэн төхөөрөмжүүдийн пакетуудыг дамжуулах зорилготой. Тэд замын дагуу явсан цахилгаан дохиог чиглүүлэх үйлдэлтэй . Тэд мэдээлэ харгалзахгүй бодит өгөгдөл пакетаар дамжуулан илгээгдэх бол төхөөрөмж холбогдоно 

Answer 25
My name is Soyol-Erdene. I have completed Radio Communication Engeering at school of Information Communication Technology . My family members four. It includes father , mother and sister. I came here in  self – respect to join in your company to give me an opportunity to show my perfect result.
 2.What are your strengths?
My strengths are good in communication skills , capacity to convince the people , hard working and quick learner.
 3.What are your weaknesses?
My weakness is I try make a complete  and perfect things.
I m hard worker and really want to work for this company. I’ve what it takes to solve problems and the job.
I really enjoyed working for my previous company and appreciated the great people and overall atmosphere . As my time in that position drew to a close , I gave this question lot of thought. 6.Why are you leaving your present job?
I found myself bored with the work and looking for more challenges . I am an excellent employe and I didn’t want my unhappiness to have any inpect on the job I was doing for my employer.
My work style is extremely flexible – working on so many different projects requires me to be adaptive. In general, I try to work on one project at a time, working as quickly but efficiently as possible to achieve the highest results. All of my projects require collaboration, so I use the team environment to check for errors. I am a perfectionist and a driven worker, and I think my clear communication skills allow me to bring out the best in any team, in any project.
My ideal job is  friendly  , fast paced available to learning new things , challenging and of course opportunity  for career advancement.
9. What salary are you seeking?
I’d be looking in the range of minimum 400 to maximum 700 roughly figures  . But as I said  , salary is less important to me than finding the right job position . If it is fine with you , I’d rather hold off o giving exact figures until I find out more about the rale.
10. What are you looking for in terms of career development? 
I hope the someday be able to manage my own team and lead project on my own , but my short term  goals are to quickly earn new responsibilities as I use my skills to prove I deserve the challenge. If you I have a specific career gaol  , you can go ahead and name it . If you don’t you can use an answer like the one above . One things to note however is that if your hiring manage is currently in the role that you hope to pursue.
11. What's the most important thing you learned in school? 
The most important thing I learned was to accept and respond to feedback the critique I received from peers and professors greatly  my with . It was  challenging to present my wore to others and hear their opinions about it , I quickly realized that we  their comments were positive or high lighted needed improvement’s the intent was to help me become more capable and effective .
12. Why did you choose your major?  
I choose my major , I researched my options I looked into the obvious factors , salary , development and demand . Radio communication are becoming increasingly popular and highly needed.
13. Tell me about your proudest achievement ?
My proudest accomplishment would have to be when I helped develop a new technique at my last job. With the help of my supervisor and a couple other coworkers we came up with a new technique.
14. What kind of personality do you work best with and why?
I am comfortable with everyone around me. I customize myself to the people . I talking to I also enjoy interacting with new people . And best I’m also a good listener.
15.How do you want to improve yourself in the next year?
I’m focused on developing my technical skills so I can pursue an interest in programming in the future , particularly  since a lot of the knowledge . I pick up will benefit me professionally as well.
16.What kind of goals would you have in mind if you got this job? 
I worked in it , I found that I needed to concentrate  on my time management skills in order to finish with in the time limit I had set.
17.What techniques and tools do you use to keep yourself organized?   
I make great use of reminders on mu personal planner.  I will probably enter anywhere from three to five or even as many as ten in a single work day . It keeps my day on schedule and ensures I do not forget any task.
18. Was there a person in your career who really made a difference? 
The person who made the biggest difference in my career was my mother. She to     me to better my self  and showed me the , importance of contineed education even in the workplace . She really helped me set goals and them go through and achieve them . Even in a short time she really made  a difference.
19. Who has impacted you most in your career and how? 
I was fresh out of university , eager to learn . I was lucky my first work was an amazing . There directly fought me about the time I really respected. I learned so much indirectly . There was  the perfect example of how you can effectively run a team . I picked up leadership skills.
20.Have you ever been on a team where someone was not pulling their own weight? How did you handle it? 
When I was in college, we had to write these case analysis reports that showed how we would plan solutions to different production problems. During one assignment, we had a student who simply stopped coming to class. At first, it seemed like that would slow us down, but once we broke down the extra work it actually streamlined our process. It was just a matter of giving the right tasks to the right people, and I was happy to be able to help sort that out.
21.What attracted you to this company?
The hiring RCE is looking for some one who will fit in at the company and enjoy working there.
22.What was the last project you headed up, and what was its outcome? 
My last project was to pull together a working group to analyze find ways to streamline our supply options at the small Mobicom company I worked at.
23. What are three positive things your last boss would say about you?  
At my last job, I had a strong reputation as the knowledgeable employee. I had the book memorized and people would almost use me as an encyclopedia. I also never had any trouble meeting time restraints. I was never late or missed a deadline. Of course, I think my boss would also bring up that I was great with the customers as well.
24. List five words that describe your character. 
The five words that I feel best describe me are resilient, ambitious, optimistic, determined and humble. I was the first person in my family to go to college, and along with their support, these personality traits really helped me get through school and appreciate the opportunities I’ve been given. I feel that they would help me succeed in this job as well.
25.Why do you want this job?
I want this job because it emphasizes sales and marketing, two of my greatest skill sets. In my previous job, I increased sales by 15% in what was at the time considered a flat industry. I know I could bring my ten years of sales and marketing experience to this company, and help you continue your years of growth.

I study so hard. Because its necessary for my future. Every day I try to make worth of my life.I learn a lot of things but I try to learn hard for one course. have been learning English since I was a child, but I didn’t learn much.feel depressed because of this.But I read a lot and ask people to improve my English.I accomplish whether it meets my needs.I wake up in the morning to memorize word, sentence and watch foreign movies and listen to music.  Then I go to my class and during my free time I sit in a library.After my school I translate words to improve my English.Because when I translate words there are many unknown words and there are many new words.Some English words has lots of meaning.It depends on the article.When I translate my major course, I focus hard and I save it.
Topic 2
  I want to travel Korea. Korea is suitable place for studying.. When compare to others Korea has  many scholarships. And tuition fee is acceptable.Advantage is we can work and study at the same time.Our major class has Korean program.If someone get the Korean program he/she will graduate with 2 diplomas including Mongolian and Korean.I didn’t study abroad because of my family.But I think I will study in masters degree.Because their education program is very good.And it has good study environment.Communication between teachers and students are amazing. It will be a miracle if I graduate there.
1. I’d like to tell you about somebody I met online a couple of weeks ago. This person lives in another country and we met in a WE chat group. We were there to practice speaking English.There were about six of us at the time. There was one person in particular that I thought was very interesting, and she spoke very good English, so I asked to chat with her after the session and that’s when we really chatted a lot and got to know each other a little better. She was from Japan and she was a student, her name was Inga. For me she was very interesting because her life is very different from mine. I have two sisters, but I don’t really spend that much time with them, but this girl was definitely interesting to chat to.She is a student at university, doing a Masters Degree in Business Administration, which is sort of similar to what I would like to do in the future. We first started chatting because we have a common interest – salsa dancing. For me it’s the most natural thing in the world because my mother was a dance teacher so I grew up learning all different types of dance and salsa was always one of my favorites. Inga is taking salsa lessons in her hometown, her teacher is from somewhere in Cuba, I can’t remember the name of the city, but he’s a professional dancer and also gives classes in a dance school. We spent quite some time discussing different steps and techniques- it was fun.

There are people who has positive energy that he/she can earn respects from others.When I be with my sister I learn a lot of things.She is an amazing person.When I talk to my sister on the phone even she is not beside I get energy from her when I stressed or depressed. I wanted to be just like my sister maybe because she is the eldest daughter.My sister understands me every time. And she supports my dreams and desires.When my mother not around my sister can be just like my mother. After she graduated she became a teacher.She is very educated because she studied in many countries and graduated. Now she is a teacher with doctor degree.I want to study abroad like my sister.When I think about it my sister is brilliant woman.
Topic 5
My favourite family event is most certainly . Thanksgiving, which is celebrated. Thanksgiving is a wonderful holiday. Actually, everyday should be a day of Thanksgiving. My family loves to celebrate this holiday.It is a yearly tradition for our family to gather at my grandma's house for Thanksgiving. I always look forward to this event. My cousins and other family members that I do not get to see often are there.My grandma and other family members prepare a big meal. Everyone loves my grandma's mashed potatoes. We also have rolls, dressing, cranberry sauce, and yams. Then, for dessert we have fresh pumpkin pie with whipped cream. Before we eat everyone always gathers around the table and someone says the blessing.Thanksgiving is always a good time of fellowship and bonding for my family. We usually watch some of the parade on television or a football game.  You can see why this is a favorite tradition for me and my family. I wish we could do it more often.
Topic 6
We usually do not watch TV programs that we not like and since we have lots of channels to pick from, we change the channel as soon as we find that this is not an interesting program. But sometimes we have to watch the program that other people are watching and we do not have control on the channel changing and thus we often watch programs that we do not like at all, one such program was a talk show that I recently watched. This was a talk show on our national TV channel UBS say the name of a TV channel Funny time and apart from the host, there were two political figures who came from 2 opposite parties. Since this is a famous TV channel, I am sure a good number of people watched it. I watched it at a friend’s house when I was sitting in their drawing room and my friend’s uncle was watching and controlling the TV channels.  The talk show was about a sensitive national issue and the starting was interesting as the host of the program discussed in details about the program and later on asked some interesting questions to the two guests. After 5 minutes or so, I got an impression that the talk show was a scam and with this programme the Government is trying to give some misleading facts to the viewers. The two guests started attacking each other and showed abominable attitude to each other. That was so surprising that respectable people like them can behave so abhorrently. The program went on and I found that I was completely irritated to see such type of behaviours from our national leaders and the feelings that this was a scam gave me nausea.+

ICT in my future life

I will be ICT engineer in near future because I want it to reach its perfect point. Why? Since long time ago people were interested in everything in science, astronomy, history, biology and etc. Curiosity of human kind led us to our modern life, in my opinion the most important part of our progress of knowledge and information was the communication, each famous inventor discovered their famous inventions by implementing their knowledge from others, from 15 until 18th century there was industrialization in whole Europe, each industrializing country was far ahead from those countries who were in primarily agricultural country like Russia or Japan. There reason why the whole Europe industrialized almost at the same time was the communication. For example Graham Bell from America invented the first phone because he had all the information from other inventors developers all around the world. Since my young age I could not imagine a life without information and communication technology, it has developed from walking mail man to modern email system. I always wondered would Great Mongol Empire of Genghis Khan existed if their communication technology was good, the only reason why the Greatest empire fell was the communication in that grandiouse country. History teaches us that communication is crucial for every country, for this whole world. I don't think the ICT reached its perfect form people around the world are not informed as the others do, others get one information and the others get completely different information, communications and information could be scripted or hacked just because the communication technology is not developed enough. The development of ICT - the progress to our better future.
How computer networks connect and work
Networking is the word people use when they're talking about connecting computers together so they can share data with each other and all connect to the internet at the some timelet's take a closer look at the key components that make up a simple easy to set up network think of a network is something similar to your body central nervous system at the top of the network is a brain that handles all the trafficcoming through this is called a router the brain is connected to a spain that send signals through out your network this device is called a switch and it distributes signals to all of your computers and devices via network cable snow let's check out each of the components of a wired network and moredetail we'll start with the router a router has a smart little computer inside that identifies all of the computers and devices on your network and assigns aunique number to each one take people call this an IP address a router also connects to the internet outside your home via a modem that can be provided by your dsl or cable internet provider a router is always at work managing the tons and tons of information your computers and devicessend and receive and controlling which computers and devices get what information and when so how does a router actually send information from the internet to your computers and devices and how does it enable your computers to share information with each other the answer lies with that device we mentioned earlier a switch a switch sinstraffic through your network to the places it needs to goevery netgear home router has a switch with four ports built right into it you can also get wireless routers from netgear that use radio signals to do the same thing as a switch but these still have those four ports built into them so you can use wires with them toowhen you're buying a router for use in a wired Network pay attention to the speedof the built-in switch the fastest switches are called gigabit and they're perfect for applications like streaming video in your home mean while routers switches called fast ethernet are great for essential tasks like web surfing email and online gaming now say you have more than four ideas you'd like to plug into a router you need more portsthe solution is easy you'll need an additional switch which again is that thing that's already built into your router in this case thoughyou just need to switch portion and not another router because your networkdoesn't need two brains after allnetgear has switches with as few as five ports as well as some that feature 24ports or moreonce again if you need the fastest speeds go for a gigabit switch yours marty pants netgear router will recognize these new connections andstart sending data to them right away here's one more thing to keep in mind some people often confuse a switch witha related device called a hub which is obsolete you just need to know that hubs were replaced by switches because switches dothe same thing but with a lot more speed and smarts a router a switch and network cables all come together to create a fast and reliable wired network that works a lot like your body's nervous system fortunately you don't have to be super brainy to understand how it all works.
TECH TRENDS: Top IT Trends of 2016
In my roled istribution canit's important to love five years out to see what industry is headed in the long term but much of my attention is focused on thenear future identifying the technology and trends that are ready to be put to use a tablet over the next 12 month swith that in mind here for the top IT trends that I believe a poised to gainreal traction in 2016 my number for trend is the software-defined data center from the beginning data centers will be made up of silos of servers storage and networking hardware but that model is redundant and expensive and it makes itdifficult to allocate resources quickly that's a problem for IT teams that are feeling pressure to improve responsiveness and decrease maintenance costs in a software-defined data centerall the essential elements of a computing platform a pool together virtualized and managed to a common set of application programming interface swith all of the data centers resources pulled together it's easier and fasterto monitor and reallocate compute storage network in and even security resources according to the needs of the business production-ready software-defined data center offerings and now available from establish edvendors as well as from new cameras and I tea shops are looking for safe andproven ways to move to a software-defined environment that delivers the stability and the agility that their businesses require my number three top trend is what I call a mobile first approach until now most mobility initiatives will focus on providing mobile devices with the same access andsecurity that we find on desktop and laptop PCs the mobile versus approach turns out world view on its headit's not about matching the PC experience and a small device any moreit's about getting the most of the unique advantages that mobile platform shave to offer such as the ability to easily capture pictures documents andalso knowing the precise location of the device as mobile devices get more convenient security with a broader adoption of biometricsI expect more businesses will be thinking mobile-first in 2016 for both customers and employees my second top i t-tried 4 2016 is machine learningI see machine learning is a logical evolution of the exponential growth ofdata and data analytics that we've been seen over the last few years big data and data analytics today are mostly concerned with mine in largequantities of data to provide insights that leaders can use to make informed decisions with speed however those results of focus on helping business leaders interpret pastactivity a machine learning on the other hand is about using the same data setsto predict future behavior today Google Facebook and Amazon or relying onmachine learning to deliver content ads and products that use your past activityto predict what you'll be interested in next BM's Watson initiative extends its significant machine learning capabilities to IBM customers a machine learning is also at the heart of Google's efforts to develop self-driving vehicles as the engineers at Google willtell you it's easier to drive a car when you can predict what's around the corner rather than having to focus on the road behind you and running the business isno differentthat's why i believe machine learning will be one of this year's top trends togain traction as organizations like to predict the future as well as they cananalyze the past my top IT trends for 2016 is the internet of things specifically the industrial Internet of Things one study from the mckinsey global institute estimates that I OT will deliver up to 11 trillion dollarsof global economic impact on an annual basis just 10 years from now and asignificant proportion of that was going to be made up the industrial IOT forexample one of a minuteindustrial equipment customers has begun in bed in connected sensors into thefield based equipmentthis gives our customers the ability to let maintenance teams know when acomponent is about to break down but before it actually happens this simple warning helps avoid costly downtime and emergency repairsit also ensures that the service technicians have exactly the right partsthey need when they arrive on site 2016 will be the year the IOT hits criticalmass the opportunity is simply too large for that but the building blocks for theecosystem and now in place making it easier faster and less expensive toprototype and roll out real worldI OT solutions that's why its my number-one trend for 2016 to find outhow these and other top technology trends are being applied inside theenterprise in the year to comestay tuned to this text and series and to my blog behind the firewall and don't forget to give us a thumbs up or post a comment below this video is a value to you thank you for watching and see you next time

A guide to the components inside my computer .Hello and welcome to videojug we're going to show you what the major components inside your computer are and tell you a little about what each of them do guiding us on this tour will be Phil Borton of East a technology support in brighton.
Step 1: The major components the major components of a computer are the motherboard the cpu or central processing unit ram or the random access memory the graphics card the power supply the hard disk or hard drive the optical drive also known as a CD or DVD drive.
Step 2: hardware and software all of these components are usually found within the Tower of a desktop computer they are referred to as hardware hardware can be thought of as the actual physical components that go into the computer software refers to the programs and systems that operate within the hardware.
Step 3: The motherboard the motherboard is the heart of the computer it is the largest and most fundamental component of a pc and every other component is attached to it in some way this is because all the different components used the mother board to communicate and work with each other the motherboard has a series of slots sockets and connectors for attaching the components of a pc in most cases the memory accessory cards and cpu are installed directly onto the motherboard the drives and peripherals communicate with the motherboard through wired connections there are a wide range of motherboards to choose from they different features speed capacity and the cpu supported they also different size shape and layout this is commonly referred to as the form factor.
 Step4: For the cpucpu stands for central processing unit this is the brain of the computer and is often referred to as the processor or the chip it is found under a heatsink and fan and sits directly on the motherboard the cpu directs coordinates and communicates with the other components and performs all of the thinking it is not really thinking what a cpu actually does it perform mathematical calculations it is the software that people write that translates these calculations into useful functions for us.
Step 5: Ram ram stands for random access memory and comes as modules and predefined amounts it is also found directly on the motherboard and usually in one two or four slots the memory chip store information temporarily for short term used by the cpu ram is used to store information for files that are actually being used by the cpu at any given time the computer's ram memory is an entirely different thing from the hard disk memory the hard this stores information permanently for long-term use.
Step 6:The graphics card the graphics card or video card translates information into the graphics and tax that appear on the monitor screen most motherboards now include a slot specifically designed for the graphics adapter called the AGP slot this stands for advanced graphics port modern graphics adapters usually incorporate some memory write on the card to improve their performance.
Step 7 : The power supply this supplies power to the other components which is why it has so many wires coming out of it is usually positioned at the back top corner of the computer case the power supply has a fan built into it to keep itself and the computer cool.
Step 8: The hard disk a hard disk which is also called a hard drive is much like a filing cabinet the programs and data is stored on the hard disk and the computer accesses them as they are needed when the computer accesses the hard drive it is reading and moving the stored information into the ram memory that memory is the temporary workspace however the original file is still on the hard disk and has left undisturbed until the file is saved when the computer stores or saves information it writes a data to the hard disk that process results in the old file being replaced or modified with the new information if you save data to a new file or install new software the information is written to the disc in an available unused portion of the disk.
Step 9: the optical drive the optical drive is often called a DVD drive or a CD drive it sits at the front of the computer for ease of access and use a laser to read and write information to CDs and DVDs done.

What is ICT

Hi my name is Even Huan
hi my name is Chris form and we want to talk to you about the ICT sector in Ireland . ICT stands for information and communications technologian and that means that covers all of  technologies and businesses involved in the creations and processing of digital information that includes all fines of computing from building web pages to write and software to control a rocket from assembly the home computer to managing a complete office computer system from creating special effects for the film to designing the technologies broadcast TV and radio across the globe from studying the appropriate computer equipment to customer to providing the support needed to ensure the successful use of a new software system in a large organization.This is a big industry.  In fact it's the largest business in the world and it's growing all of the time .Why Well , because at its heart  it's concerned with making life easier and better for everyone of us.
hi I'm Lionel alexander and the Vice President and Managing Director of Hewlett-Packard manufacturing here in the league slip kill their the ICTsector is a very key sector that not only drive the economy and the future island but more importantly is changing the lifestyle of people every day in Ireland there over 70,000 people working in over 1,300 firms directly involved an effective IC to use a big part of our economy much bigger than it is in the UK or most of the rest of the world Ireland a tiny country barely visible on the globe is one of the top three exporter of software and the world neither 10 top software companies in the world have significant operations here islands is home to many global players across all I city business areas such as internet space data storage semiconductors telecommunications software and computer systems with instantly recognizable names such as Intel del Microsoft IBM Apple HP Google Ericsson sap yahoo and even Facebook the sector accounts for approximately a third of the country's expert which is hugely important for our economy by any measure the ICT sector has been a significant drive in the arch economy whether in terms of employment output for the creation of wealth as well as been engaged in a range of business functions they provide the enabling technology to other sectors it has been a source of successful Irish enterprise and startups and has contributed men stage the economic success of the country in church the ICC section Ireland can boast world-class industry achievement one of the main reasons we have such a strong presencein the sector's equality and diversity of our workforce the location of the world's top level software companies in Ireland has meant the critical mass of technical and professional expertise has been reached in the sector the availability of highly skilled individuals are both graduate and senior level positions allows software companies to access a group of people that is essential to achieve growth in the industry we also have a lot of qualified people from a wide range of nationalities who can contribute their technical knowledge and skills and their native language yourselves the ever-increasing need to provide services globally from operations based here recent figures and students entering carrot level 2 arising demand for engineering and technology courses we are now realizing that the world needs more people who are technologically we're in every industry in Sector the National Skills strategy compiled by the expert group on future skills needs has found that the requirement for technical knowledge will rise across almost all occupations in the future even in times of rising unemployment demand for highly qualified graduates in disciplines including computer science and engineering is expected to continue this is also true or of the supporting roles which the technology depends the current economic downturn may affect the timing of that demand but it is unlikely to affect the overall trend we as a nation let's ensure that I remains one of the best performance in terms of producing people who combined their technical know-how from the science engineering technology areas people include the development of ICT skills into their career planning will always be in a stronger position to adapt to the changing world Connery and ensure that Ireland's ICT that there continues to hold this position on the world stage.My name is tomorrow and the general manager of Intel and are kids coming to the system today who have an interest in science engineering and technology should have no fears about the future of working in that industry here in Ireland so if you want to have an aspiration that's beyond essentially a good job and a good career think about the aspiration of being involved in an enterprise that makes a difference across the whole globe Intel in Ireland and companies like Intel and Ireland have a challenge on their hands and that's to continue to help Ireland b'fast be nimble because we're operating on a global stage and Arlen needs people working in engineering and technology it needs the best brains working in those environments so that Ireland as a nation can prosper and grow the future is changing IC technology is changing the world it's going to change the way people consumed in the knowledge that the way people distribute the knowledge and the way people use their knowledge if you want to change the world and if you want tomake a difference choose ICT as a career band.

Writing a report
What are the differences between essays and reports?
In a report, it is vital that the information is clear and easy to find. For that reason, reports can make use of things not normally found in essays, such as:
·         dot points
·         headings and subheadings
·         tables, graphs and diagrams
In addition, there are other important differences between reports and essays:
Reports present facts/information, and the aim is to explain them as clearly as possible
Essays discuss perspectives on an issue, and the aim is usually to construct an argument for a particular point of view
Reports are written for the person or organisation that requested them
Essays are written for a lecturer and other knowledgeable people in the field
Reports will be scanned, so the most important information needs to be easy to find, and summarised where appropriate
Essays will be read carefully from beginning to end
Reports use short, concise paragraphs and dot-points where applicable
Essays link ideas together into a cohesive series of paragraphs, rather than breaking ideas down into easy-to-access pieces
Reports end with a conclusion and recommendations for actions that will address issues raised in the report
Essays end with a conclusion and sometimes predictions or suggestions for further research
1. Letter of Transmittal
This is a formal business letter to the person or organisation that commissioned the report “announcing” the completion and delivery of the report.  It usually includes:
·         A salutation (e.g. Dear Ms Watson)
·         The purpose of the letter (e.g. here is the marketing report you commissioned)
·         The main findings of the report
·         Any important considerations
·         Acknowledgement of any particular help
·         Thanks
For example:
Dear Mr Landry,
Enclosed is the report you commissioned on 12 May 2009 on the Tourism Industry on Peacock Island, NSW.  The main findings of the report are:
·         that the growth of the industry has been substantial (35% since 01 January 2009) due to the increased awareness of and interest in the peacock population of the island;
·         that the peacocks' nesting habits are beginning to be disrupted by tourism;
·         that tourism on the island needs to be carefully managed so the peacocks are no longer disturbed by the increase in human activity, and
·         that the government should consider placing some restrictions on tourist numbers and designating appropriate peacock viewing areas.
It should be considered that the Mayor of Peacock Island, Ms Annabelle Devereaux, was unavailable for comment throughout the period in which this report was being researched, so her input should be sought before any further decisions are made.
I would like to acknowledge the assistance of the Peacock Island Tourism Board, and particularly its Chief Administrator, Jan Stevenson, in writing this report.
Finally, I would like to thank you for the opportunity this report gave me to familiarise myself with the Peacock Island environment and its inhabitants, and to develop my research skills, which will be invaluable for future projects.
Shyla Graham.
2. Title Page
This is the ‘cover’ of the report, which presents the key details in a professional layout.  Include:
·         The name of the report (i.e. the topic of the report)
·         The organisation that commissioned it
·         Your name (and student number)
·         The date
For example:
The Tourism Industry on Peacock Island, NSW, and its
impact on the native peacock population. 
 Commissioned 12 May 2009 by
Garry Landry, Native Animal Protection Agency
 Shyla Graham
21 November 2009

3.Table of Contents
The Table of Contents is important for allowing readers to quickly find the information they need. It should:
·         Show each of the numbered points and sub-points
·         Include page numbers for each
·         Include a list of figures if necessary
·         Include a list of appendices
·         Have a clear and professional layout
The numbering system used in reports will be unfamiliar to most students, but it follows a fairly simple pattern. Each main section has a number (1, 2, 3, etc.), and each sub-section within those main sections has a sub-number (1.1, 1.2, 1.3....).
See the example below:
1. Introduction...........................................................................................................1
2. Literature Review...................................................................................................3
     2.1 Impact of tourism on animal populations in coastal NSW and Victoria.................3
     2.2 Tourism management in coastal NSW and Victoria............................................5
3. Tourism analysis...................................................................................................7
     3.1 Tourism income analysis 2007.........................................................................7
     3.2 Tourism income analysis 2008.........................................................................8
     3.3 Tourism income analysis 2009.........................................................................9
4. Changing behaviours of peacock population on Peacock Island................................10
     4.1 Peacock Behaviour Report 2007.....................................................................10
     4.2 Peacock Behaviour Report 2008.....................................................................11
     4.3 Draft Peacock Behaviour Report 2009.............................................................12
5. Predicted long-term outcomes of no or minimal tourism management.......................13
6. Conclusion..........................................................................................................15
7.  Recommendations..............................................................................................16
8.  Bibliography.......................................................................................................17
Appendix 1 - Tourism Growth (2007-2009)..................................................................20
Appendix 2 - Peacock Behaviour Analysis (2007-2009)................................................21
4. Summary, Abstract or Executive Summary
While your lecturers will certainly read your whole report (in order to mark it and give you feedback) in the workplace, reports are received differently.  Some readers will not wish to read the entire report, but only the parts relevant to them, so the summary, abstract, or executive summary presents the entire report in brief - generally on no more than one page.  Include:
·         who requested the report
·         the purpose
·         background/context
·         brief description of methodology
·         main findings, and
·         recommendations
Use paragraphs for an abstract and paragraphs/dot points for an executive summary.
Make sure the layout is methodical, working through each section of the report clearly and in order. 
5. Introduction
The introduction should clearly explain why the report is relevant/important.  To do this, explain:
·         Who commissioned the report and why
·         The context / problem that triggered the report, giving any necessary background information
·         The purpose of the report and its scope (i.e. what it does and does not cover)
·         The types of sources used (i.e. texts, surveys, observation, interviews)
6. Body
The body of a report will be made up of many different sections, each with its own purpose.  The body is where you will place:
·         The literature review (if applicable)
·         Research methodology – what you did and why, mentioning any possible problems
·         Findings – stating the facts clearly, and including labelled graphs and charts where appropriate
·         Discussion – your interpretation and explanation of the findings

7. Conclusion

In the conclusion, you should:
·         sum up your main findings and key points of discussion
·         make sure that you do not bring in any new information
·         be brief and to the point – you should already have reported on everything in sufficient detail
8. Recommendations
After ‘reporting’ on the present state of your particular topic, you need to make recommendations about what should now occur in response to your findings. While 'Recommendations' is often a section that stands alone, each recommendation can be sequenced within the body, after each relevant finding and discussion topic.
Make sure, however, that recommendations evolve logically from issues you identify in your findings, discussion and conclusions. They should be realistic, and achievable.
While lecturers may recommend a range of structures for the recommendations list, you can use the following sample structure as a guide:
This report makes the following recommendations:
·         that dot points or numbers are used to set out a recommendations list, so each recommendation can be seen easily;
·         that each recommendation begins with the word 'that', so as to align grammatically with the introductory sentence;
·         that each recommendation relates to problems or issues identified clearly in the report, and
·         that the recommendations are possible to achieve.
9. Reference List
Like a Reference List for an essay, a report's Reference List will be an alphabetised list of all the texts cited in the report.  This might include:
·         journal articles
·         books
·         other reports
·         websites
·         newspaper articles
·         interviews
Make sure you use the right referencing style recommended for your unit.
10. Appendices
Appendices are the place to include any data too bulky to place in the body of your report.  You might include:
·         your survey tool (but not all your responses)
·         raw data
·         any graphs or tables too large for the body
Make sure you:
·         number each appendix clearly (i.e. Appendix 1)
·         give it a title, so the reader can see what it contains at a glance, and
·         include it in the table of contents
In the body of your paper, you can then refer to this bulky data without having it interrupt the flow of the report.  For example:
In order to understand the impact of tourism on the peacock population, a two-year study was conducted from January 2007 to February 2009.  Data was collected from the tourism board that measured tourist numbers and tourist behaviour patterns in and around the peacock habitat (see Appendix 2),  and the peacock population was extensively monitored, with data collected on peacock numbers and behaviours, including feeding, nesting and breeding (see Appendix 3).
Notice that the appendices are attached AFTER the reference list.
Presentation and style are important in reports. First impressions count, so consider these simple tips:
Be professional, not pretty.  Fonts and images should only be experimented with if they help to present information more clearly.  Communication is more important than decoration.
Use plenty of white space.  Don't overuse long paragraphs, like those you would see in an essay.  Present information as succinctly as possible.
Use spacing, clear headings and a numbering system to ensure the separate parts of your report stand out clearly and are easy to locate
Use tables and figures (graphs, illustrations, maps etc) to clarify information - sometimes these are needed to supplement text.
Number each page - and make sure the page numbers are correct on the table of contents
Use consistent formatting
 What kind of language is used in reports?
Language should be formal language, but simple and clear.  Remember, the main aim of a report is clear communication.
By and large, sentences should be short, relieved when appropriate by some complex sentences.

·         Use sub-headings and dot points when appropriate, but also include paragraphs with topic sentences